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GMET launches Green Climate Clubs in Senior High Schools

Ursula Owusu
Ursula Owusu, Minister of Communications

The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMET) has launched the Green Climate Clubs initiative in Senior High Schools to spread knowledge about climate change, adaptation and mitigation.

The Clubs will work towards mitigating the impact of weather on Agriculture, transportation, energy, health and other sectors of our economy.

The initiative will also serve as a tool to enable the relevant institutions to recognise and appreciate the critical need for early action in the face of Ghana’s changing climate and weather dynamics.

Delivering the keynote address on Monday at the University for Development Studies in Tamale, the Minister for Communication and Digitalisation, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, noted that the Ministry shares in the mission to establish climate clubs in every Senior High School in Ghana to prepare students to act on climate change-related issues.

“This is also a way of supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 13 and the nation’s socio-economic development” she added.

She further noted that another motive of the initiative was to introduce climate change lessons into the basic (primary) school curriculum to improve children’s knowledge of issues on climate change.

She said the initiative was laudable and timely, adding that the government was committed to addressing the issues related to Climate Change having full cognisance of the lack of environmental and climate change education, particularly among the youth.

The Minister urged the Students and Teachers to own the clubs and do all within their ability to keep them functional.

“We need you to make impacts in your communities and lead vigorously the advocacy for climate action. I look forward to an energetic generation who are poised to protect their environment for now and the future to support the implementation and achievement of our SDGs,” she said.

Mrs Owusu-Ekuful noted that she expected that GMET and partners would make efforts to establish the same in schools nationwide.

“In this regard, the Ministry will continue to put in efforts to re-equip GMET to vigorously pursue this programme”

She commended the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Ghana Agricultural Sector Innovation Programme (GASIP) for supporting the laudable initiative.

BY: Richard Aniagyei, ISD (Contributor)

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